Have you ever used the mileage log in the guidebook and wandered off a little, finding it challenging to get back on the correct path? Are you tired of messing with downloaded tracklogs and figuring out how to get that precious information on a GPS device?
Waypoints and tracklogs follow the routes in the guidebooks. Once the app installs, you can use it immediately even without cell service. Watch your position as you navigate the trail; the trail and waypoints will always show on the screen.
When you have cell service, enjoy full detailed satellite images. In addition, you can also download a detailed terrain map with just one click for those times without cell service.
The app includes every trail we have. So there is no need to buy each book, and new books are free updates.
Send updates from the app. Use the “leave a trail update” to notify us about anything you feel is essential. We then list your update on our website for other off-roaders to view.
We’ve packed a lot in this app which is the same philosophy we use in making our legendary guidebooks.
Knowing exactly where the trail is, is a cinch. Watch the video to see it in action.